Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some of the Q & A (we) are working on with Wikipedia/Wiki Answers

Web Results

public relations: Definition from
An example of this is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, ...
and also played a controversial role as press relations officer

WikiAnswers - Name of Public Affairs or Public Service Director
Uncategorized question: Name of Public Affairs or Public Service Director?
Please help us answer this question. ((( it is the PSD - PAO))) Name_of_Public_Affairs_or_Public_Service_Director

WikiAnswers - Largest television audience for a public affairs ...
Politics and Policy question: Largest television audience for a public affairs
interview? Please help us answer this question. Largest_television_audience_for_a_public_affairs_interview

WikiAnswers - What is the difference between a masters in public ...
School Subjects question: What is the difference between a masters in public
affairs and public policy? Please help us answer this question. What_is_the_difference_between_a_masters_in_public_affairs_and_public_policy

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